
Type Definitions

assignOptions(nobot, noPopulate)

This type is called `assignOptions` and is provided as options to apply to an assign method.
Name Type Description
nobot boolean If true, the department chatbot, if any, is ignored and the assign work on humans
noPopulate boolean (esperimental) if true the request is left 'dry' (no additional metadata are added)


The Chat21 message format. More on messages format (Review this link).
  • Object
Name Type Description
senderFullname string The sender full name
recipient string The message recipiet's ID
text number The message's text
type number The message type. Allowed types are 'text' (default), 'image', 'frame'
metadata Object The message's metadata. Some type as 'image' or 'frame' need metadata.
attributes Object Custom attributes attacched to this message.


  • Object
Name Type Description
sortField string what field to sort the results by. Default field is 'createdAt'
direction string sort direction: 1 (asc) or -1 (desc). Return the results in ascending (1) or descending (-1) order. Defaults to desc (-1)
page number What page of results to fetch. Defaults to first page.
limit number Specifies the maximum number of results to be returned. Default is 40 rows
full_text string Executes a fulltext search query
status string Filters by request status. Values: 100 for unserved requests, 200 for served requests, 1000 for closed requests, "all" to retrieve all statuses. Default value is status < 1000 so it returns all the opened requests.
dept_id string Filters by department's ID
lead string Filters by lead's ID
participant string Filters by participant ID (agent or bot)


The Request properties JSON object.
More info.
  • Object
Name Type Description
first_text string The sender full name
lead string The Lead ID
status number The request's status
tags array The request's tags. It is an array of {string}
rating number The request's rating. A number between 0 and 5.
rating_message string The request rating's message.
language string The request's language.
sourcePage string The web page's URL where the request originated, if one.

resultCallback(error, result)

This callback type is called `resultCallback` and is provided as a return value by each API call.
Name Type Description
error Object the error if some occurs, otherwise null
result Object the response body